Scene 1.0 Get Scene at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads
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Scene with Processing 2 and Processing 3

The Scene Processing Library 3.0 is an extension of the TUIO 1.1 Processing Library that also handles TUIO blobs, and includes a SceneBlob class that simplifies object tracking and analysis.

The library has been tested on Windows with Processing 3.0.2 and Processing 2.2.1.


1.- Download and install the TUIO 1.1 Processing Library (required).

2.- Download

3.- Extract the folder called Scene to the "libraries" folder of your Processing sketchbook .


HTML files generated with Javadoc may be viewed online here. The library zip includes the javadoc files in the "reference" folder.


The program SceneDemo.pde shows the basic usage of the library. Both TUIO and Scene libraries must be imported at the beginning of the sketch. The constructor creates a Scene client that listens on the default port 3333. After reading the TUIO messages, the individual Scene blobs are extracted inside a loop and most of their information is printed. For a complete list of methods and properties see the documentation.

The sketch also shows the optional callback methods that are called whenever a blob is added, removed or updated.

import TUIO.*;
import scene.tuio.*;

Scene sceneClient;

void setup() {

  sceneClient  = new Scene(this);

void draw() {

  ArrayList<SceneBlob> sceneBlobList = sceneClient.getSceneBlobList();
  for (int i=0;i<sceneBlobList.size();i++) {

    SceneBlob sblb = sceneBlobList.get(i);
    println("Blob: " + sblb.getBlobID() + " " +
                       sblb.getSessionID() + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassX() + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassY() + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassScreenX(width) + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassScreenY(height) + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassXSpeed() + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassYSpeed() + " " +
                       sblb.getCenterOfMassMotionAccel() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobX() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobY() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobScreenX(width) + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobScreenY(height) + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobAngle() + " " + 
                       sblb.getBlobWidth() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobHeight() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobScreenWidth(width) + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobScreenHeight(height) + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobArea() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobXSpeed() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobYSpeed() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobRotationSpeed() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobMotionAccel() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobRotationAccel() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobAspectRatio() + " " +
                       sblb.getBlobContractionIndex() + " " +

void addSceneBlob(SceneBlob sblb) {
  println("SceneBlob added");

void removeSceneBlob(SceneBlob sblb) {
  println("SceneBlob removed");

void updateSceneBlob(SceneBlob sblb) {
  println("SceneBlob updated");

The library also includes the following examples:

SceneTuioBlobDemo.pde - A TUIO Cursor and TUIO Blob client example
SceneGraphicDemo.pde - Draws the center of mass and bounding box of received SceneBlobs.
SceneAreaDemo.pde - Draws circles with sizes proportional to the detected blob areas.
ScenePathDemo.pde - Draws the center of mass and blob paths of received SceneBlobs.
SceneStreamingDemo.pde - Receives images streamed from the Scene GUI and draws the center of mass and bounding box of the SceneBlobs on the frames.


Laurence Bender